117 pp. Intro. by Rev. W.H.G. Temple. Illus. with vignettes. Gilt-lettered red cloth. First Edition. Seattle: Press of the Alaska Printing Co., 1911.
A fascinating argument, which addresses the Temperance Question from a biblical standpoint, and is two-fold. One part examines the "two-wine" theory, that the Bible has made a clear distinction between fermented and unfermented wines, "calling the former a curse and the latter a blessing." The other part argues against the "Saloon-Keeper's Bible." Rev. Temple, in his introduction, writes, "Coming across this effort on the part of the Liquor Traffic to base their diabolical trade upon the sanction of the Bible, [Whitmore] determined to riddle it with shot and shell of argument, and has certainly kept his promise." Rubbing to spine ends, mild shelf wear, else very good. A scarce Northwestern tract about Temperance.
(Temperance) Rev. Orin B. Whitmore. Bible Wines vs. the Saloon Keeper's Bible: A Study of the Two-Wine Theory of the Scriptures and an arraignment of the argument for Biblical sanction of the use of Intoxicants.