Brewing Porters and Stouts: Origins, History, and 60 Recipes for Brewing Them at Home Today (Terry Foster)
The book opens with the history of the styles, including the invention of porter in eighteenth-century England, how stouts were born from porters (stouts were originally bolder and stronger or stout porters), the development in the United Kingdom, and introduction to Ireland and eventually the United States, where they remained popular even as they fell out of favor in Britain and surged in popularity as the craft brewing revolution took hold. Foster then goes on to explore the many sub-styles of porters and stouts, providing commercial examples and showcasing some of the most exciting developments in craft brewing today, before breaking down the ingredients, including the various malts as well as special flavorings—such as vanilla, coffee, chocolate, and even bourbon—and finally the yeasts, hops, and waters that are well suited to brewing these styles. Finally, Foster provides a collection of sixty recipes—up to six for each sub-style—showcasing the variety and range of ingredients explored in the book and providing both extract and all-grain instructions.